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For the freshest brew we recommend only grinding your coffee beans when needed.
(Scott Rao's recommendation = 22g coffee x 360ml water @ 97 *C )
(Scott Rao's recommendation = 15g coffee x 250 ml water @ 95*C )
(Scott Rao's recommendation = 30g coffee x 540ml water @ 95 *C )
(Scott Rao's recommendation =30g coffee x 510ml water @ 97 *C )
(Scott Rao's recommendation = 15g coffee x 220ml water @ 99 *C )
(Scott Rao's recommendation =18g coffee x 250ml water @ 97 *C )
Information is taken from ' Brewtime' An amazing app,
available to download from the App Store, and is one we highly
We always suggest that customers experiment with grind, coffee/water ratios and brew times until they find the 'sweet spot' for their own personal tast
Roasted coffee looses it's flavour over time. Although many coffee brands put a long Best Before date on their products; we only put 3 months on our coffees.
We believe that coffee is best appreciated within the first 3 months of roasting, Even less when ground.
Once opened we advise customers to store the coffee in its' bag inside an airtight container, in a cool, dark place.
Moisture and oxygen are the enemy of coffee!
Great News !!! The ANEI Colombian coffee is back. Grown by the Arhuaca community of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta & the Serranía del Perijá.